Help The following information will help you use this site effectively
- Browser
- Shipping
- Managing Shipping Addresses
- Placing Orders
- Search/Reorder a Previous Order
- Searching
- Contact Help
- Custom POS Mail List Help

For Windows® machines, this site is best viewed with the latest versions of Chrome®, FireFox® and Edge®. For Apple® Mac computers, this site is best viewed with the latest versions of Chrome® and FireFox®.
Please allow 5 to 7 days to receive your order.
We will ship this order UPS Ground by default. If you want expedited shipping please choose the faster shipping method to meet your needs. The order must be received by 11:00 AM EST for your shipment to go out the same day.
If needed, please use the Comments field during the Check Out Process to provide any additional information that you think would be helpful in processing your order.
Click the box at the top of the page with your name, and select "Account." From this page, you can edit your addresses, add new addresses, delete unused addresses and choose your default shipping address. Your default shipping address is just the first address that comes up when you are completing your order-you can accept this address or choose another address you have on file. When editing or creating addresses, you are asked for a description of the address. This allows you to refer to your addresses on file by a short descriptor such as "Office," "Home," or "Marriott-Atlanta."
To place an order, click on the "Order Items" button along the top of the page.
To see more detail on an item, including a larger picture, click on the item thumbnail and a callout will appear.
For Non-customizable pieces, enter the quantity of a desired item under the thumbnail and click on the "Add To Cart" button to add it to your "Cart".
To download or view a PDF of an item, click on the "Download PDF" link under the "Add To Cart button."
Once you have added all your items to the Cart, click the cart icon at the top right of the page. You can view your cart at any time by clicking that icon as well. If you have to leave the site before you have completed the checkout, the contents of your cart will be saved for 24 hours, and upon return you’ll notice the Cart icon has the number of items that were previously placed in your cart. Simply click the Cart icon to continue to check out.
On the "Shipping Information" portion of the checkout process, choose the address to which you would like to ship the order. You can also type in a one-time address as well.
If you are required to pay for your items, you will be prompted with payment options.
Click the "Finish" button to submit your order. An e-mail confirmation will then be sent to you.
You can search for an order placed previously and place a new order for the same items. Click the box at the top of the page with your name and choose "Account". When the My Account page loads, select the Orders link. You can enter an Order Number or a date range to search for. If you click the drop-down that says "Order Number" you can also select an Itemid from a previous order to search for all orders you've placed with that Itemid. Click the "Search Orders" button. the grid will display the Orders that match the search criteria. To view the detail of an order, click on the hyperlinked Orderid.
Once a specific order is selected, the Items on that order will be shown. At this point you can select all the available items (the ones with checkboxes next to them). Customizable items and discontinued items will not be available for reorder. Then click Add Selected to Cart, and those items and the original quantities will be added to your cart, and you’ll be taken to the Cart Confirmation page. You can adjust quantities or remove items on that page or continue shopping and add more items to your cart. Then, you can continue the checkout process, shipping to the same address as the original order, or by choosing alternate address(es). An email confirmation will be sent to you when you complete your order.
If you do not know the number of an item in which you are interested or if you want to find all products that share a common trait or characteristic, you can use the Search located in the upper right side of the page.
You can search by Item Number, Item Description, or Keyword. Enter in a Keyword and items that have a matching Keyword will display on the page.
You can then order items from this page just as you can from the pages of the catalog.
If you need assistance, please email, call us at 1-855-423-8372 or fax 231-946-6180. Please include your questions, your name, email address, and phone number and a time that we may reach you. Thanks!
You can order your direct mail items and have them shipped in bulk to your location for you to mail, or you can provide us with your mailing list and we will mail the items for you. For simple instructions on uploading a mailing list and understanding the costs associated with mailing, please click here.